Safeguarding and policies

We want your child to feel safe and secure at Harbury Pre-School. 

By providing a nurturing and supportive atmosphere our ethos is to celebrate each child’s individual achievements and to encourage them by modelling caring and positive attitudes.

To ensure maximum safeguards are in place adequate numbers of staff are trained to the level 2 child protection certification and are named designated safeguarding leads (DSLs).  They oversee the safeguarding practices at Harbury Pre-School.  Our current DSLs are Catherine Kilbey and Anne Stanton.  As well as this, all staff and volunteers have appropriate child protection level 1 training and comply with written policies and practices which are in place to keep children and staff safe. The policies and practices are subjected to frequent scrutiny to ensure that they comply with the latest statutory legislation and guidelines from the Early Years Foundation Stage, Warwickshire County Council and Ofsted.

Parents and carers are encouraged to read the policies and be aware of the safeguards that are in place. These include more recently written policies to cover subjects such as, preventing radicalisation, FGM, e-safety and social networking. Documentation is freely accessible to be viewed by parents and carers at all times, please ask any member of staff for further information.

Safeguarding and child protection policies available in the full printed version (updated January 2018) include:

See below for a link to the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy January 2023 (full document) and the Executive summary of key principles for staff and parents.


See below a link to our Complaints Procedure.

Complaints procedure 2014.doc
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2022 Updated.docx
Child Protection policy exec summary 2022 Update.docx